PBEC Member DL Family Office announced that they have successfully acquired DL Holdings Group Limited listed on the Main Board of the HK Stock Exchange.
They completed the acquisition of the controlling stake and mandatory unconditional cash offer (the “Offer”) of DL Holdings Group Limited (formerly known as Season Pacific Holdings Limited) (Stock Code: 1709) (“DL Holdings”), which shares are listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. HW advised on the financing of the Offer. The financial adviser to DA Wolf was Kingston Corporate Finance Limited. The value of Offer was approximately HK$618 million and was successfully closed on 19 March 2020.
DL Holdings and its subsidiaries are principally engaged in the sales of apparel products with the provision of supply chain management total solutions to customers and provision of financial services.
As a result, DL Holdings Group Limited (Stock code: 1709) of which DL Family Office is now a subsidiary will become the newly named PBEC Member with Co-Founder & Executive Director Crystal Jiang continuing as our PBEC Board of Director. I would like to mention Chief Marketing Officer DL Holdings China & Co-Chairman Victor Ai will also represent DL Holdings Group Limited for PBEC related meetings and events. We congratulate them and wish them the very best of luck for the future. If you would like to learn more and get in touch with Victor or Crystal please let us know and I am happy to introduce.
Website: http://www.dl-holdings.com/about.html#