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PBEC keynote by Altoo CEO Martin Stadler – Simplicity for Complex Wealth

Digital solutions are becoming a must-have offering to private clients and high net worth families from asset managers and advisors.

We hear from Martin on how his solution the Altoo Platform became a reality and unique tool for helping his clients. He shares with us what he is seeing from his unique lens talking to their clients, investment & asset managers and influencers. Altoo created an intelligence platform, that provides simplicity and control for complex asset portfolio’s by connecting wealth, people and processes to take informed decisions and explore opportunities. Martin Stadler is the CEO of Altoo AG.

Having previously worked at UBS AG, he has over 20 years of international wealth management experience in various roles, advising UHNW clients and family offices out of St. Gallen, Singapore and Zurich. Their digital solution goes beyond data aggregation and reporting: it is a secure digital home for wealth data, including bankable and non-bankable assets and all related documents and information, carefully designed to make daily use intuitive and help understand and manage the most important and complex aspects of a family’s wealth.

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